Name: Sen Yukio
Species: Click the box. Dreamland Virus
Weight: 50 kg
Height: 163 cm
Sen is known for his stupidity. He's quick to act on his curiosity, and that often gets him in trouble. He's also quick to say whatever's on his mind. However, he does value his friends a lot and would definetly put them before himself. For the most part, he's a good guy.
Likes: Music [If you asked him, he wouldn’t really be able to tell you. He’d just say, “cause it sounds good.” But, he likes it because it affects his mood, and makes him think.], coconuts [This is also including (actually, mainly talking about) coconut flavored things. It’s just a good flavor. This doesn’t really have much explanation to it.], drawing [It’s not something he’d typically do, but it’s a hobby he kind of picked up. He’s not good at it by any means, but it’s a nice way to pass the time. He’s always had a habit of doodling in his journal.], his friends [Pretty self-explanatory, but he loves people. ‘People’ as in people he knows well, because it’s always nice to have a good time with your best friends. With this, he can never go wrong. ], telling stories [When Sen tells stories, they usually don’t make much sense. He’s all over the place. To him, it’s another way of passing the time, but it’s better. It tells the person listening about himself, and even better, they might have their own stories to tell (which he loves listening to).], games [Yet another way to pass the time. He likes stories, and games are usually very hands-on. It’s engaging AND entertaining. He likes games of nearly every genre (with the exception of maybe puzzle games).], pillow forts [They’re fun and cozy when he’s by himself, but they’re much better enjoyed with friends. Pillow forts are fun to build, remind him of elementary school, and they’re super comfortable.], exotic snacks [He likes to try new things, and snacks aren’t super filling. It leaves room to try more. ], ice cream trucks [This may be a reference to something… They’re fun to chase AND they reward you with overpriced ice cream. For Sen, this is what he'd call a win-win.], roller skating [He doesn’t skate often, but he has a pair of roller skates and he occasionally goes out in them. He’s gotten pretty good at it, but he wouldn’t put it in his list of hobbies.], instant noodles [It’s his best dish. It’s easy to make, fun to add onto, and everyone who’s tried it seems to like it. He doesn’t care for cooking, because it usually takes a while. He doesn’t have that kind of patience. However, this is his exception.] comic books [He likes a good story, and even better, it’s paired with awesome pictures. It’s like a book, but much easier to consume and way more fun.]
Dislikes: Algebra [It’s so difficult. It’s also NOT fun at all. It’s also extremely complicated and he would rather die than have to use it in “real life.”], lemons or lemon flavored foods [Lemons themselves are sour, which he normally wouldn’t mind, but something about the flavor is just horrible. He’s had his fair share of lemon flavored treats, and they’ve all disappointed. This is something he doesn’t want to try again.], anything complicated [It hurts his brain, it’s frustrating (both for him and others), and it’s also… not fun. Fun is a big thing for him, this is not it.], micromanaging [One of the few things that frustrates him about other people. This is something that he will NOT accept in a friend.], books with too many pages [He doesn’t like regular books to begin with, but making them long is just torture. Usually these are textbooks, but any good book is ruined for him if it’s agonizingly long. ], tight clothing [It’s just uncomfortable. He prefers clothes that fit loosely. ], scented candles [Just like food, it’s kind of a gamble on whether or not these are good. Except it’s a losing gamble, and every scented candle he’s sniffed smelled horrible. This has been ruined for him, the smell of ANY scented candle is unappreciated.]
How to Aggravate: Click the box. Insult his friends and/or family, or threaten them in any way.