(2/24/25) added a clock to the home page (military time) at some point...
(2/20/25) chapter 8 released!! added more characters to the 'spirits and such' section (mostly family members). hakari has a profile picture
(2/19/25) sen yukio has a profile picture
(2/18/25) chapter 7 released!! changed the description of the novel to somewhat include Yen... fixed the 'spirits and such' image in the characters (it was not aligned to the left), fixed the transparent bg issue in drawtime, made an actual spirits and such page, but there won't be any actual images or pages in there for a while (like, until the release of volume 2)
(2/14/25) valentines oneshot released!!! the board did not work out... (it's GONE) there may be no cutesy board, but there is A CUTESY DOODLE WALL!! check out drawtime and draw something cute...?
(2/13/25) chapter 6 released! put in better placeholders (that will be around for a while) in the characters section. Added a message board!! (it's cute)
(2/11/25) chapter 5 released!!! made some changes to the credits section
(2/10/2025) chapters 3 and 4 have been released!! added a header to each chapter
(2/7/2025) Added and working on the credits section...
(2/5/2025) It's been a while... changing the "comic" page to "novel" because i'm too lazy to make a comic and typing is much easier
(12/27/24) Tweaked Sen's page a little. Added to Hakari and Luke's, and starting on Yen's. Somehow just realized all of the pages have disikes and not dislikes... fixed.
(12/26/24) Hakari and Luke have character pages
(12/25/24) merry christmas i didn't work on anything
(12/24/24) more working on Sen's page
(12/23/24) forgot to update but worked on Sen's page